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3615 164th Place SE, Bellevue,
WA 98008

Tel: 425-747-0889




日期 題目 传讲人 收听 收视 时间 下载
11/26/2011 不一样的人生 远志明牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:24:42 mp3
11/25/2011 数不尽的恩典 远志明牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:26:31 mp3
08/26/2011 我被设计了 台湾中原大学教职员诗班 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:31:12 mp3
06/25/2011 我为何相信神的话 王小谷牧师 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:06:19 mp3
03/26/2011 人生道路的选择 郑惟悌弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:25:54 mp3
02/05/2011 诗歌见证 Ken & Teresa watch online with Windows Media Player 29:44