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2016 夏令會 - 為主回來,教會裝備整齊 (啓示錄 19:7-9)

日期 題目 講員 收聽 收視 時間 下載
6/24/2016 為主回來,教會裝備整齊(I) 陳詠曦弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:06:59 mp3
6/25/2016 為主回來,教會裝備整齊(II) 陳詠曦弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:16:35 mp3
6/25/2016 為主回來,教會裝備整齊(III) 陳詠曦弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:25:52 mp3
6/26/2016 為主回來,教會裝備整齊(IV) 陳詠曦弟兄 listen online with Windows Media Player watch online with Windows Media Player 1:05:31 mp3