以 撒 娶 妻 經文: 創世記第二十四章 "我要叫你指著耶和華天地的主起誓,不要為我兒子娶這迦南地中的女子為妻. 你要往我本地本族去, 為我的兒子以撒娶一個妻子."(24:3-4) "天將晚, 眾女子出來打水的時候, 他便叫駱駝跪在城外的水井那裡. 他說, 耶和華我主人亞伯拉罕的 神阿, 求你施恩給我主人亞伯拉罕, 使我今日遇見好機會."(11-12) "我向哪一個女子說, 請你拿下水瓶來, 給我水喝, 她若說, 請喝, 我也給你的駱駝喝, 願那女子就作你所預定給你僕人以撒的妻. 這樣, 我便知道你施恩給我主人了."(14) "僕人說,耶和華既賜給我通達的道路,你們不要耽誤我,請打發我走,回我主人那裡去罷!他們說, 我們把女子叫來問問她. 就叫了利百加來, 問她說,你和這人同去麼?利百加說,我去!"(56-58) 大綱: ※ 榜樣與原則: - 大前提 - 要娶本地本族;不要娶迦南的女子: "你們和不信的原不相配,不要同負一軛.義和不義有甚麼相交呢? 光明和黑暗有甚麼相通呢? 基督和彼列有甚麼相和呢? 信的和不信的有甚麼相干呢?"(林後 6:14-15) "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?" (NIV - 2 Cor. 6:14-15) - 到神面前求: "耶和華我主人亞伯拉罕的 神阿! 求你施恩給我主人亞伯拉罕, 使我今日遇見好機會."(12) "O LORD, the God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today, and show lovingkindness to my master Abraham."(NAS) - 盡人的本份: + 去水井旁找,而不是坐在家裡: 水井旁在預表上是指聖徒聚集得活水的地方,就是教會 "那僕人從他主人的駱駝裡取了十匹駱駝, 並帶些他主人各樣的財物, 起身往美索不達米亞去, 到了拿鶴的城. 天將晚, 眾女子出來打水的時候, 他便叫駱駝跪在城外的水井那裡."(10-11) + 注意觀察細節,而不是光看外表的美麗: 仁慈與殷勤的性格 "我向哪一個女子說, 請你拿下水瓶來, 給我水喝, 她若說, 請喝, 我也給你的駱駝喝, 願那女子就作你所預定給你僕人以撒的妻. 這樣, 我便知道你施恩給我主人了."(14) - 夫妻的心態: + 丈夫: 是與神相交的人,尊敬並愛戴妻子 "天將晚, 以撒出來在田間默想, 舉目一看, 見來了些駱駝."(63) "以撒便領利百加進了他母親撒拉的帳棚, 娶了她為妻, 並且愛她. 以撒自從他母親不在了, 這才得了安慰."(67) + 妻子: 跟隨丈夫,成全他,學習不出頭,隱藏自己。 "就叫了利百加來, 問她說, 你和這人同去麼? 利百加說,我去! 於是他們打發妹子利百加 和她的乳母, 同亞伯拉罕的僕人, 並跟從僕人的, 都走了."(58-59) "利百加舉目看見以撒, 就急忙下了駱駝, 問那僕人說, 這田間走來迎接我們的是誰. 僕人說, 是我的主人. 利百加就拿帕子蒙上臉."(64-65) NAS - Genesis 24: 3-67 3 I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live, 4 but you shall go to my country and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son Isaac."........ 6 Then Abraham said to him, "Beware lest you take my son back there! 7 "The LORD, the God of heaven, who took me from my father's house and from the land of my birth, and who spoke to me, and who swore to me, saying, `To your descendants I will give this land, He will send His angel before you, and you will take a wife for my son from there. 8 "But if the woman is not willing to follow you, then you will be free from this my oath; only do not take my son back there." 9 So the servant placed his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, and swore to him concerning this matter. 10 Then the servant took ten camels from the camels of his master, and set out with a variety of good things of his master's in his hand; and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor. 11 And he made the camels kneel down outside the city by the well of water at evening time, the time when women go out to draw water. 12 And he said, "O LORD, the God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today, and show lovingkindness to my master Abraham. 13 "Behold, I am standing by the spring, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water; 14 now may it be that the girl to whom I say, `Please let down your jar so that I may drink,? and who answers, `Drink, and I will water your camels also?-- {may} she {be the one} whom Thou hast appointed for Thy servant Isaac; and by this I shall know that Thou hast shown lovingkindness to my master." 15 And it came about before he had finished speaking, that behold, Rebekah who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Abraham's brother Nahor, came out with her jar on her shoulder. 16 And the girl was very beautiful, a virgin, and no man had had relations with her; and she went down to the spring and filled her jar, and came up. 17 Then the servant ran to meet her, and said, "Please let me drink a little water from your jar." 18 And she said, "Drink, my lord"; and she quickly lowered her jar to her hand, and gave him a drink. 19 Now when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, "I will draw also for your camels until they have finished drinking." 20 So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough, and ran back to the well to draw, and she drew for all his camels. 21 Meanwhile, the man was gazing at her in silence, to know whether the LORD had made his journey successful or not. 22 Then it came about, when the camels had finished drinking, that the man took a gold ring weighing a half-shekel and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels in gold, 23 and said, "Whose daughter are you? please tell me, is there room for us to lodge in your father's house?" 24 And she said to him, "I am the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, whom she bore to Nahor." 25 Again she said to him, "We have plenty of both straw and feed, and room to lodge in." 26 Then the man bowed low and worshiped the LORD. 27 And he said, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken His lovingkindness and His truth toward my master; as for me, the LORD has guided me in the way to the house of my master's brothers." 28 Then the girl ran and told her mother's household about these things. 29 Now Rebekah had a brother whose name was Laban; and Laban ran outside to the man at the spring. 30 And it came about that when he saw the ring, and the bracelets on his sister's wrists, and when he heard the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, "This is what the man said to me," he went to the man; and behold, he was standing by the camels at the spring. 31 And he said, "Come in, blessed of the LORD! why do you stand outside since I have prepared the house, and a place for the camels?" 32 So the man entered the house. then Laban unloaded the camels, and he gave straw and feed to the camels, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him. 33 But when {food} was set before him to eat, he said, "I will not eat until I have told my business." and he said, "Speak on." 34 So he said, "I am Abraham's servant. 35 "And the LORD has greatly blessed my master, so that he has become rich; and He has given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and servants and maids, and camels and donkeys. 36 "Now Sarah my master's wife bore a son to my master in her old age; and he has given him all that he has. 37 "And my master made me swear, saying, `You shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I live; 38 but you shall go to my father's house, and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son.? 39 "And I said to my master, `Suppose the woman does not follow me.? 40 "And he said to me, `The LORD, before whom I have walked, will send His angel with you to make your journey successful, and you will take a wife for my son from my relatives, and from my father's house; 41 then you will be free from my oath, when you come to my relatives; and if they do not give her to you, you will be free from my oath.? 42 "So I came today to the spring, and said, `O LORD, the God of my master Abraham, if now Thou wilt make my journey on which I go successful; 43 behold, I am standing by the spring, and may it be that the maiden who comes out to draw, and to whom I say, "Please let me drink a little water from your jar"; 44 and she will say to me, "You drink, and I will draw for your camels also"; let her be the woman whom the LORD has appointed for my master's son.? 45 "Before I had finished speaking in my heart, behold, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder, and went down to the spring and drew; and I said to her, `Please let me drink.? 46 "And she quickly lowered her jar from her {shoulder,} and said, `Drink, and I will water your camels also? so I drank, and she watered the camels also. 47 "Then I asked her, and said, `Whose daughter are you? And she said, `The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bore to him? and I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her wrists. 48 "And I bowed low and worshiped the LORD, and blessed the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who had guided me in the right way to take the daughter of my master's kinsman for his son. 49 "So now if you are going to deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me; and if not, let me know, that I may turn to the right hand or the left." 50 Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, "The matter comes from the LORD; {so} we cannot speak to you bad or good. 51 "Behold, Rebekah is before you, take {her} and go, and let her be the wife of your master's son, as the LORD has spoken." 52 And it came about when Abraham's servant heard their words, that he bowed himself to the ground before the LORD. 53 And the servant brought out articles of silver and articles of gold, and garments, and gave them to Rebekah; he also gave precious things to her brother and to her mother. 54 Then he and the men who were with him ate and drank and spent the night. when they arose in the morning, he said, "Send me away to my master." 55 But her brother and her mother said, "Let the girl stay with us {a few} days, say ten; afterward she may go." 56 And he said to them, "Do not delay me, since the LORD has prospered my way. send me away that I may go to my master." 57 And they said, "We will call the girl and consult her wishes." 58 Then they called Rebekah and said to her, "Will you go with this man?" and she said, "I will go." 59 Thus they sent away their sister Rebekah and her nurse with Abraham's servant and his men. 60 And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, "May you, our sister, become thousands of ten thousands, and may your descendants possess the gate of those who hate them." 61 Then Rebekah arose with her maids, and they mounted the camels and followed the man. so the servant took Rebekah and departed. 62 Now Isaac had come from going to Beer-lahai-roi; for he was living in the Negev. 63 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening; and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, camels were coming. 64 And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac she dismounted from the camel. 65 And she said to the servant, "Who is that man walking in the field to meet us?" and the servant said, "He is my master." then she took her veil and covered herself. 66 And the servant told Isaac all the things that he had done. 67 Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and he took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her; thus Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.